Friday, March 14, 2008

Christy Christy Christy...

Hey everyone - Meet Christy

So apparently there are two of me in the world. Its true. Ive known of the other "Christy Ann Crandall" from Boise Idaho, with the same birthday, and nearly identical social security number...since our cricket phone bills got swapped on accident in high school. She called me up and explained that she had my bill, and that occasionally other mail items were sent to her by mistake. She seemed really nice, and we had a good laugh over our creepy cookie cutter names.

And then a few months later one of my good friends at church (who is a labor and delivery nurse) asked my mother "how things were going in the home?" because it turned out that she had seen a file at work and "Christy Ann Crandall" had come in with a positive pregnancy test. She was just so confused and I was only 16 and active in church. Much to her relief she was told about the other Christy and THOSE rumors were put to rest!

And now, sadly another name mishap has landed me in the gossip pool once more. I got a phone call from my Aunt SherryJo. She explained with a laugh that my Uncle had phoned her very concerned that I had been up to no good...since Christy Ann Crandall had landed in the Ada county courts for DUI, and her picture was up on the current arrests website. (clearly, I am NOT close to this uncle, as he has no idea what I look like!) Anyway, he thought it was me, and it really got on my nerves. I dont drink (hello - fetal alcohol syndrom anyone?) nor have I ever drank before! Its sad that after being alive for 25 years, living my life the way I do - that members of my own extended family would jump to such crazy conclusions! Of course, the evidence was staggering. We even have the same middle name...but still. There was a picture of her that very clearly is not me!

Anyway, Im taking up votes for a new name. All suggestions welcome.

* I just want to say that the other Christy seemed very nice, and I in no way meant to disrespect her with this post. I only wanted to show who my uncle thought I prove that he is way CRAZY.


Brittany said...

Mr. Hyde maybe? :)

stadia said...

At least he was concerned enough to ask about you, Christy. This is the kind of thing that demostrates my reasoning behind wanting to have another family reunion.

jayna said...

I think Ann-Christy has a nice, Avonlea ring to it. Or else there's always Moniqua.

stadia said...

what about Christianna?

Unknown said...

I vote for Melena. :)

Steve-O said...

alternative spellings are always great... Christy Ann Crandall can become Kristee Anne Krandelle... although i feel there ought to be a ghetto-ish "z" in there somewhere... Kriztee, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

this just proves how the "churchies" think of eachother. and whateveryone is capable of.