I cant believe my little butterball is already 6 months old. We can't get enough of her funny personality. She is ALL laughs these days. She can almost sit up by herself now *although her chubbs make this rather difficult* and she is LOVING her rice cereal, fruits, and vegis. She can even eat off a spoon like a champ. Her latest thing is growling as loud as she can for as long as she can, accompanied as always with BIG screams. She is so noisy during relief society with her non-crying sounds that I end up patrolling hallways for most of the hour! She will drink Enfamil formula like its manna from heaven so I am debating on when to wean her. She would gladly switch over to a bottle full time, but nutritionally (and expense wise) I really want to keep nursing her. What do you guys think? When did you call being the milk cow quits??? Anyway, enjoy these pictures taken with Grammy's expertise! And sorry there are so many...but I seriously cant get enough of her!!!
Oh Christy!!! Those chubbby legs are TO DIE FOR! I would leave her a naky baby all day if she were mine...and OH I wish she were mine! SHe is absolutely GORGEOUS! Cute cute outfits, and her kisses to her little dolly, ohhhh just priceless. About the nursing - if you want to jump back into your old jeans with no problemo (and who are we kidding here, you probably already ARE in your pre-preggo pants anyways...) keep on nursing that sweet baby. I thought it was simpler to lift my top for 5 minutes than to mix a bottle or worry if I packed a bottle and formula. Although, I did bottles for when I went to work doing photos a few times a week. But I liked nursing and did it up until she turned 12 months, and I have never been thinner and it wasn't costing a dime :) My supply just sort of went away at the end so I didn't have to go through the pain of weaning.
Do what you think is best though, and if she likes the formula so much, you can keep doing a bit of both.
She is such a cutie!!! Good luck with figuring out what to do with the nursing... I couldn't make it past 7 months but everyone is different! Grace just couldn't focus and eat because she wanted to constantly look around so the bottle was the way to go with her. :)
Oh my goodness!!! Too cute. This photo shoot was made complete with a wardrobe change- several times. She is SO your gorgeous daughter!
I stopped nursing Jake at 6 months- right before he got teeth. A little before that I was only nursing him at night & formula during the day. It hurt my body during the weaning though, I almost gave in & kept nursing. Be brave in whatever you choose! THis might have been too much info.. sorry.
Brigitte eating her baby was the CUTEST one ever!!
She is a little butter ball. So cute. I totally love this age. It will only get more fun from here on.
Those are some DANG good pictures! I wish I could get some like that of my kids. Anyhooo...the nursing thing. I always hated it so I pumped! 6 months with Dejah and 2 1/2 with Mycah...and they had the lovely bottle almost the whole time. My next will more than likely be on the bottle from day one. Sorry if I'm not much help on this one. Now, my friend's baby was doing the same thing little B is doing (loving the bottle), then the baby changed her mind and decided the "boob" was her fav and then was VERY difficult to ween. Good luck with you decision.
One more thing....you never know when they will get their teeth. Alot of times that will quickly help you decide :>
Her outfits are adorable, but I LOVE the chubs-and-diaper picture!!! SO CUTE!!! I'm debating the nursing thing, too. We had planned to wean Gracie at 6 mos (next month) but I totally agree that it is cheaper and healthier. Let me know what you decide, it's always good to hear from someone who's ahead of us!
or you could nurse until she's in 6th grade! did you see that 20/20 episode? it was crrraz-ayy! these pics are sooo amazing. i love the one where she's leaning back in her diaper with her hand on her thigh. so perfect!
She is getting cuter and cuter by the day! I love the black and white of the 2 of you. Precious! I think the next visit will have to be you coming to see us this time...I'm not coming near Idaho until it starts to thaw!
I love the pictures of you and her. She is so lucky to have such a wonderful mama!!
Those turned out so cute! I love them all :)
So that little silver and yellow vest is stinkin cute! And I cant believe how big she is getting. She is making me a little baby hungry.
And as far as nursing goes, I got nursed the longest out of my mom's seven kids and Sam thinks I am both the cutest and smartest, but he may be a little biased:)
Such a cute fashion show! I love it all! I think I esp like the white and pink skirt, but the yellow top was REALLY cute too. I think you must have had me confused with someone else you saw at KMart the other day, I'm the one that's chubby with freckles. Heather and I can never be grouped together when it comes to size. You and she however, could be. But thanks for your kind words. Also, I'm the slacker who voted for 0-3 months on your nursing poll. I nursed (well mostly pumped) Landon for 5 months and Cameron for 3. Nursing and I don't gel. Hope you and your family are doing well. You should ask Heather how long she nursed her last boy for. . . you'll have to an over 12 month category. She was a pro.
As you know I'm with Joanie on the nursing thing. I think you should do whatever you want. Really the longer the better in some aspects, and in other aspects the freedom of the bottle is pretty sweet.
So I don't know I guess we really haven't seen you guys in a while but Brigitte has doubled in size! Chubby bunny. She is so dang cute I just want to squeeze her beefy thighs. Corbin is getting skinnier by the day. Time for another chubby baby I say.
Oh and I watched that 20/20 and it was so gross. The little boy would say "I want nummies!" when he wanted to nurse. I think I just barfed in my mouth a little.
No big deal on coming to lunch... I am there every thursday. :)
I want to eat her rolly legs! Oh,..I love love LOVE chunkiness! Noah was so chunky until about a year,..then he started thinning out. I hope my twins have some meat packed on them! :) I LOVE the picture of you two in the black and white. Melts my heart! It's so adorable. --It was so good to meet you the other day! :) Now I can stalk your blog without being sneaky too! ;)
Christy, she is a doll! I love the big, open-mouthed smiles. As for nursing, I weaned Clyde at a year; he was only nursing once or twice a day at that point and I had just found out that I was pregnant again. Will's ten months now, and I'll probably nurse him until his birthday. I really love nursing, but that'll be over three years straight of being pregnant/nursing - I'm excited to have my body back . . . I'll probably throw back a couple Dr. Peppers to celebrate!
I heard there was some smack talkin' going on here... And Yes, you will need to add an option on your poll if you want me to vote. :) It should say something like "18 months/TODDLER/they can ask for it by name and know how to access it"
Sad, but true.
Christy - I love you! And who could not love that chubby Bridgette! Keep the blog going.
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