I am beginning my documentation of the "Hot Body Farewell Tour"
Not that I had a hot body before...but 1. I stole it from mean girls, and 2. It will seem 'hot' when compared to the 'after' baby body.
Soon, Ill pull out these pictures and think to myself Remember when I could fit in those pants? (although, that is already a stretch, since a rubber band is the only thing helping these pants 'fit'!!)
The funny thing is that my normal every day self, doesnt look super pregnant yet. I am a little 'thick' around the middle - aka my michellin tire has expanded a size or two...

Yes, I realize its all down hill from here.
.......Goodbye 'hot body'
Awww... you are going to be such a cute prego woman! And don't worry... you WILL get your sexy body back... minus maybe 1 section (if you breast-feed) haha.. Ummm... can't wait to see the pics of your expanding belly!
Strange, but i want to be there to talk to it. Oh, the stories i could tell Little Beal about such wonderful things...like Sushi. Hmmmm...I will call you and we can hold the phone to your ever expanding midline.
P.S. You are one attractive preggo woman! I should know, being the only non-pregnant woman in the ward.
P.P.S. guess who made "Member Spotlight" on the 13th Ward program this past week?? So, you didn't tell them you skipped town, eh?? OUTLAWS!
I like how you look all cute and like you're about to go out in your pic, while mine I look like I've just thrown up AND gotten whacked in the gut by a hockey player. Hopefully my fifth month agrees with me like yours agrees with you. ;)
First of all I always knew you were going to be an adorable pregant person....and I WILL scream it on top of the mountains. Second, I know my blog is officially lame, thanks for the reminder. But, really Brett is my life. Not in a clingy-i can't-live-without-you-way. But, we just do EVERTYTHING together, so I guess I should start documenting that. Maybe a collection of quotes and random pictures? Help, i've lost ALL blog creativity!!!!
still gorgeous! What else could you be!
Okay, even though you can tell no one will really be able to tell till you’re about 6 to 6 1/2 months along. At least that's how it was for me. I say enjoy it now while it lasts because soon you won't be able to breathe well or sleep comfortably. And you will be counting down the days to your due date & praying you are not one day late. Okay that's it. Good luck with looking good throughout the rest of your pregnancy, if you made it this far maybe you will be one of the lucky ones (like your sister) who won’t even need to buy maternity pants.
You are so funny. This seems to be such an event....Gosh a day by day documentation of every little pound and curve. How do you ever get the dishes done, the laundry, Gabes supper, breakfast, lunch packed, his slippers warmed at five, and the bed warmed at 10. Listen wife, you don't have time for posing.....HA!!!!
P.S. you will always have a Hot Bod, Hello, look at your sister and your mom. Enough said.
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